Wounded Book Review

Wounded Book ReviewWounded Book ReviewWounded by Jasinda Wilder
Published by Self-Published on December 16th 2012
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Format: ebook
Source: Purchased
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Rating 3/5

War has taken everything from me. My family. My home. My innocence. In a country blasted by war and wracked by economic hardship, a young orphan girl like me has very few options when it comes to survival. Thus, I do what I must to live, to eat, and I try very hard to not consider the cost to my soul. My heart is empty, and my existence brutal.

The one impossibility in my life is love.

And then I meet HIM.

War is hell. It takes a chunk out of a man’s very soul to do the kinds of thi


Liezel’s Thoughts:

Heard alot of good things about this one through other book blogs and reviews so I decided to take a chance. This story was different from my usual in the sense that it involved an unlikely couple from different backgrounds, different cultures and belong on the opposite sides of the war. First we meet Rania, orphaned and left alone by her brother she attempts to find any kind of work for her survival. She searches and roams around looking for her only living relative (her brother) and stumbles upon a band of Iraqi soldiers one of which forcefully taken her virginity in exchange for food and money. This then leads to her becoming a prostitute for Iraqi soldiers and officials. Hunter is an American soldier who gets deployed to Iraq and gets injured and is left by his troop by accident. Because of guild from a prior incident when she was younger, Rania decided to hide and nurse him back to health. And this is where their relationship starts.

“What are you doing to me, American? It is as if you are crawling underneath my skin somehow. I feel you in my heart, and I do not know you. Your eyes see into me. I hate it, I love it. I do not want you to see me. I am dirty. I am ugly inside. Men see my beauty, but not my ugliness. Or perhaps you do see me….”

The story telling to me was satisfactory and there were so many good parts. I just wish that she couldv’e elaborated more on some aspects of the story such as the Iraqi encounters with the US soldiers, maybe a more detailed scene when Hunter was found and maybe a clean-up on the immigration part. The end of the story seemed rushed to me, if anything that would’ve been a best part of their story. I would have loved to hear what Rania and Hunter end up doing after he left the service. And I really wish there was a second book about all that. So much potential… the trials they endure together, the family that they start. There’s just so much more I want to know!

“There is so much. I had no fucking clue I could feel this way, this much. It’s like some deep well opened up inside me, and now all the love in all the world is being poured through me into her.”

The reviews on this book are mostly 4+, but to me I found the whole story demoralizing and depressing. Yes it was different because against all those odds the couple get their happy ending but there were just sooooo much eeeeek factor  it seriously made me cringe and I’m not the type of person that easily gets grossed out. Cough … cough… c* , in the middle of war, unsanitary conditions? Really?   I don’t want to give anything away so I can’t get into details but you will understand what I’m talking about if you decide to read this one. In summary, it was an okay read. But for the reasons mentioned above, this story just didn’t work  for me.

The Verdict:




Casting Picks:

Taylor Kinney as Hunter, kinda looks like the guy on the front cover.


Sophia Jawad on the other hand is an Iraqi actress/ model based in the UAE. She’s beautiful and would make a good Rania.


About Jasinda Wilder

New York TimesUSA TodayWall Street Journal, and internationally bestselling author Jasinda Wilder is a Michigan native with a penchant for titillating tales about sexy men and strong women. Her bestselling titles include AlphaStrippedWounded, and the #1 Amazon.com and international bestseller Falling into You. You can find her on her farm in northern Michigan with her husband, author Jack Wilder, her six children, and a menagerie of animals.

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