On Every Street Book Review

On Every Street Book ReviewOn Every Street by Karina Halle
Series: Artist Trilogy #0.5
Published by Self-Published on March 9, 2013
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Format: ebook
Source: Purchased
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When young con artist Ellie Watt decides to call herself Eden White and go after the drug lord who ruined her as a child, she never expects to fall for one of his henchmen. But Javier Bernal is no ordinary man. Subtly dangerous and overwhelmingly seductive, Eden finds herself passionately in love with Javier, the very person she’s set-up to betray. With her body and heart in a heated battle against her deep need for revenge, no one will walk away from this con a winner.

Liezel’s Thoughts:

“You are mine, even if you run. I will find you because a soul needs its other half to truly live.”

Seriously!!! I rarely find a prequel better than the original story and this one totally was way better in my opinion. Like I said in my Sins and Needles review, I always wanted a book focused on Javier and this one sure was. I loved that we got to see into his world and how their relationship began and ended. And to be honest, I thought I was on team Camden but I’m leaning towards Javier after this one. To me they seem to be a better fit. If she was honest with him, he would know that they are more alike than he originally thought. First love and first everything has a lot to do with it too.

“I’m taking all of that back. Not because I deserve it or because I’m worthy of your love. But because I need it like the air I breathe. I need you. I need you to believe in me. I need your love to make me feel like I can be redeemed.”

So my thoughts on Javier. As he told Ellie he’s a evil criminal…the stuff he had to do to get revenge. But if you think about it this is the only life he’s ever known. And even if he chose this lifestyle of revenge isn’t that what Ellie was out to do as well against Travis? Despite all his badness, he is totally committed to Ellie, very passionate and romantic. It looks like he just lost his way after the pregnancy thing. What I don’t get is why he decided to cheat on her, was it out of revenge?After all the love he’s professed he wouldn’t have done this without a legit reason.


The Verdict:


∞ ∞ ∞

Casting picks:

Just like I picked my casting for Sins and Needles I’m still going for Kiera Knightly as Ellie.

And Javier Bardem as Javier. Tried to find a younger version of him but this is what I got.


About Karina Halle

Karina Halle is a former travel writer and music journalist and The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today Bestselling author of The Pact, Smut, The Artists Trilogy, Heat Wave and over 20 other wild and romantic reads. She lives on an island off the coast of British Columbia with her rescue pup and her husband Scott Mackenzie, who co-wrote Rocked Up with her. That’s right. It’s like the book SMUT come to life! This is their first venture as a writing team. A lot of music was played. A lot of laughs were had. A lot of sex was…put in the book!

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