“This Is War, Baby” Book Review/ Giveaway*

“This Is War, Baby” Book Review/ Giveaway*This Is War, Baby by K. Webster
Published by Self-Published on February 29th 2016
Genres: Dark Romance
Format: eARC
Source: ARC
Purchase @ AMAZON  or  BN
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My Rating  4/5

My life had a plan. Until he invaded it and stole it all away. My captor took me and I became a pawn.

His strategy changed and he sent me away to WAR, because money is everything in this world.

In my WAR, though, I found peace.

I couldn’t help but find love where I least expected it, with a man who lived a battle every day of his life
…all inside his head.

But then my captor came back for me.
Yet, this time, battle lines had been drawn and I was protected.

So we thought.
Even though


Liezel’s Thoughts:

The author warns us in the very beginning that “This is War, Baby is a dark romance. A really dark one. So dark you’re going to wish you had a flashlight to see yourself to the end and someone to hold your hand...” and by god, she was not exaggerating. I’ve read dark romance before but for some reason, the first part of this book had me so unnerved.

The story  is about  Baylee who was living a normal teenage life up until she was taken by a man who her family undoubtedly trusted. From then on, her entire existence is turned upside down. Her captor does so many unspeakable things to her. Things that made my stomach turn. What was even more hellacious was the details that were added into each scene. I honestly thought it was over- the-top disturbing and felt pensive about how the author was going to be able to convince me that all of that was worth it.

The question is did she? Unquestionably! K. Webster did such an exceptional job getting things on the right track. Days later and I am still amazed on how she was able to manipulate something with so much darkness and mold in into something this unexpectedly beautiful.

I walked into this book thinking it was a Stockholm Syndrome type romance but it isn’t. It is something so much more. And although I felt unnerved  in the beginning and highly disappointed that it ends in a cliffhanger to me, “This Is War, Baby” is still well worth the read.

The Verdict:




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About K. Webster

K Webster is the author of dozens of romance books in many different genres including contemporary romance, historical romance, paranormal romance, and erotic romance. When not spending time with her husband of twelve years and two adorable children, she’s active on social media connecting with her readers.

Her other passions besides writing include reading and graphic design. K can always be found in front of her computer chasing her next idea and taking action. She looks forward to the day when she will see one of her titles on the big screen.

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