“Where Lightning Strikes” Book Review/ Giveaway*

“Where Lightning Strikes” Book Review/ Giveaway*“Where Lightning Strikes” Book Review/ Giveaway*Where Lightning Strikes by A.L. Jackson
Series: Bleeding Stars #3
Published by Self-Published on March 22nd 2016
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Format: eARC
Source: ARC
Purchase @ AMAZON  or  BN
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My Rating  5/5

Do you know what it feels like right before lightning strikes? How you can feel the current running through your veins? The trembles of warning that ripple through the air? It was a thrill Tamar King chased all her life until it became the very thing she had to escape.
For the last four years, Tamar King has hidden herself in an isolated world she created. She was safe. No one could touch her. Until Lyrik West walked through her door.
He’s the lead guitarist for Sunder and everything she can n


Liezel’s Thoughts:

I found it the hard way that reading Victoria Ashley’s “Royal Savage”  followed by Nicole Williams’ “Collared” and THEN A. L. Jackson’s “While Lightning Strikes” was NOT one of my best ideas because reading these 3 stories back to back left me very much tormented and emotionally drained. Most especially this one.

“While Lightning Strikes” focuses on Tamar King and Lyrik West whom we’ve met in the previous book. If you remember from back then,  Tamar pretty much became hostile every single time Lyrik came within her immediate vicinity. Despite the animosity, however,  their magnetism was unmistakable. It wasn’t just in a physical sense either but also in a psychological and emotional sense.

This was the main reason why this story kept me enraptured. Knowing the degree of  A.L. Jackson creativity I was confident she was going to pull this off but I wanted to know just how good she was going to make it. And good gracious I was not disappointed!

Tamar’s story alone was remarkable but when you get to Lyrik’s part of the story you begin to understand completely why these two were meant to be together. Both of them had been through so much individually but in a sense, it was their horrendous pasts what made them stronger both as individuals and as a couple.

A.L. Jackson definitely outdid herself with this one. Everything about “Where Lightning Strikes” – the delivery, the  flow, the character development, the  passion and romance – LITERALLY EVERYTHING – was beyond anything I could have ever imagined.

The Verdict:


Black and white image of young couple lovers embracing half naked


Bright lights blinded from above and gleamed against the stark white floor. I hurtled down the narrow hall, desperate for escape.
With every pounding step, I felt the separation grow. A chasm rending and ripping until I felt myself splitting in two.
Gasping for breath, I stumbled out of the building and into the vacancy of the deep, deep night. Wind gusted, tumbling along the surface of the ground, a stir of agitation at my feet.
Above, the storm raged. Clouds dark and heavy and ominous.
Lightning struck. A crackle of energy shocked through the air. Wrapping me in coils of white-hot agony.
For a moment, I gave into it and let myself feel. I lifted my face to the tormented sky, hands gripping my hair as I screamed.
Screamed in anguish.
Screamed in regret.
Screamed loud enough I would never forget.
A crack of thunder opened the sky.
Rain poured.
My hands fisted at my sides, and I buried the memory of the way he’d felt in my arms, the memory of his face, in the deepest part of me, sealed it off and cemented my heart.
My spirit grasped and wove with the promise I had made him.
I will never fall in love again.
Not ever again.
Not after tonight.


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About A.L. Jackson

A.L. Jackson is the New York Times bestselling author of Take This Regret and Lost to You, as well as other contemporary romance titles, including Pulled, When We Collide, and If Forever Comes.

She first found a love for writing during her days as a young mother and college student. She filled the journals she carried with short stories and poems used as an emotional outlet for the difficulties and joys she found in day-to-day life.

Years later, she shared a short story she’d been working on with her two closest friends and, with their encouragement, this story became her first full length novel. A.L. now spends her days writing in Southern Arizona where she lives with her husband and three children.

Look for Come to Me Quietly and Come to Me Softly coming soon.

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