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“Unseen Messages” Book Review/ Giveaway**“Unseen Messages” Book Review/ Giveaway**Unseen Messages by Pepper Winters
Published by Self-Published on March 30th 2016
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Format: eARC
Source: ARC
Purchase @ AMAZON  or  BN
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My Rating  5/5

“Instincts are what keep us safe from fate. Ignoring them can change your life forever.”

Fame and fortune arrived overnight and after months on the road with her singing tour, all Estelle craves is peace. Tired and ready for paradise, she travels to Fiji to recuperate.

Stubborn and surly, Galloway is avoided by most–which is exactly the way he likes it. However, he’s done spending his life in regret and hopes to find redemption in the tropical wilderness.

Together, they board the flight t


Q&A Review By Micah, Angie and Liezel

How did Pepper Winter’s writing in Unseen Messages compare to the writing in her previous books?

Liezel:  I honestly felt anxious when I found out that Pepper Winters was crossing over to a more contemporary romance. I questioned if she was able to pull something so different from her norm off but sure enough she did and she did so flawlessly. While “Unseen Messages” wasn’t the dark, intense romance that Pepper is known for she still managed to keep me captivated through Estelle and Galloway’s long and torturous ordeal.
Micah: I had read a review that said it didn’t know what to classify this book as, but that it was definitely NOT dark.  So I wasn’t sure what I was going to get when I opened it up.  The books that I have really enjoyed of hers have been dark.  And by enjoyed I mean LOVED.  And while this book is far and way DIFFERENT than anything she has written, I couldn’t put it down.  It is unlike any of her other books.  
I will say that I wasn’t a huge fan of her two (well, the one immediately previous) of the MC Corruption books, so I was hesitant going in.  But I DEVOURED this one.  Even though it wasn’t dark, even though it was unlike any of her other books, it blew me away.  I ignored my family over Easter weekend to read it.  “Just one more chapter!”  And that turned into a finished 600-page book.  It is very clearly a contemporary romance and a very well written one. 


Angie: Unseen Messages was unlike any other book I have ever read by Pepper. She completely wrote outside her normal genre and done an amazing job at it! Each book is unique in its own way and that’s what I love about her writing. She definitely didn’t disappoint with Unseen Messages! Like Micah, I couldn’t put it down! I read it in two days and if pesky sleep didn’t bother me then it would have been one. That’s how much this book sucked me in with its  words!

What do you think about the characters? Do you think Estelle and Galloway paired well?


Liezel: What I enjoyed most about this book were the characters. Estelle was definitely the driving force in this story. What was so great about her was her humongous  heart. Being the popular singer/songwriter that she was I thought she would be snobby and privileged but she was the complete opposite.  The extent of the sacrifices that she made for her “family” was so commendable you could NOT help fall in love with her.   I would have to say that her counterpart – Galloway was  difficult to accept at first but as Estelle tore down his walls and uncovered his secrets I feel in love with him as much as she did.

About their pairing… never would I have guessed that these two would be good together. Besides the physical attraction, there wasn’t much else there or that was what I thought up until they got stranded on that island. They were so different but it was proven repeatedly that they belonged.  This is one of the best things that I love most about Pepper Winters, it never fails that she is able to convince me wholeheartedly how each of her couples could stand the test of time.

Micah: I know that Angie disagrees with me, but I loved Estelle.  I felt like she was a better form of me.  She is such a strong, upbeat character and she always knows how to handle everyone in the situation, especially Galloway.  I do agree that she has some communication issues later in the story line and a lot of their problems could have been sorted by communicating.

Galloway was rather forceful and had his share of problems.  I think that they did pair well together.  Angie and I were speaking about a potential flaw in their relationship and that it might have some cracks further down the line…LOCATION wise, but I can’t speak more to that without giving spoilers.  I like them together.  But I do wish that their relationship maybe progressed a bit more….matured maybe?  However, I still loved the whole story.
Angie: If Micah means that Estelle is the more whiny part of her that never speaks her mind then ok but that doesn’t sound like Micah. Now Estelle drove me crazy and Micah does do that to me every now and then so they do have that in common! Lol Ok back to being serious! Estelle really did drive me crazy. So much so that I wanted to reach through my kindle and smack some sense into her or strangle her at times! She wouldn’t speak what was on her mind. We knew what she was thinking because we read it but she never communicated it. Ugh..  I loved Galloway! Even though he was pushy I felt he kinda had to be with her. Because she wouldn’t talk!!! It was like she was a freaking mute! But despite all this I loved every word of the book! I think Pepper accomplished what she set out to do with the characters. We either loved or hated them. Each character was so real and relatable that maybe Estelle drove me crazy like a best friend or sister would. I laughed with them. I cried with them. I felt their accomplishments and failures, their sadness and happiness. That’s where Pepper stands out with her writing. You get so caught up in the story that you forget that it’s not happening to you.

Now Estelle and Galloway… I loved them together. From the beginning, you just knew it was meant to be but both of them were too stubborn and hard headed to listen! There were times that I got aggravated with them but again I was so invested in them. I’m happy with the way things between them ended up. Estelle loved Galloway regardless of his past and he loved her regardless of her muteness!

Was Unseen Messages predictable? Did it end they way you wanted it to end?


Liezel: Based on her previous books I knew that there was going to be an HEA but getting there would be a long and bumpy road which I guess in a sense was predictable. I am not complaining however since all that they went through – all the heartache and pain was well worth that perfect ending.

Micah: Predictable?  Hmm…yes.  I think I put most of the story together before reading.  There were enough unpredictable elements in it to keep you guessing, though.  However, this didn’t mean that the story was boring.  I loved it.  It did end the way, for the most part, that I wanted it to end.  I knew it would end that way.

Angie:It did end the way I thought it would and hoped for. There were times that had me questioning myself if it was going to end like I predicted but it did and that’s ok! I needed that after what Pepper put me through!

Would you recommend this book?

Liezel: Hell yes, drop everything that you’re currently doing, grab some wine and tissues, sit your behind in a comfy chair and read this lengthy  book coz it’s worth it.

Micah: YES!  Don’t pick it up if you have something important to do because you’ll be sucked in.  And don’t listen to these two cry babies.  I didn’t cry, but it is an excellent read.

Angie:First Micah does cry don’t let her words fool you! She just wants to sound tough and shit! A million times yes I would recommend this book! In fact, I have already to so many people! If you are a fan of Pepper wipe out if your head what you read from her before because like I said before this book is completely different from anything I’ve ever read by her but still just as phenomenal! Like Micah said to make sure your day is clear, once you start reading you won’t want to stop and grab those tissues! You might shed a tear or two!


The Verdict:


Purchase Links:

Amazon: http://amzn.to/1q8o2Kz
Amazon.co.uk: http://amzn.to/22FGmw2
Amazon.com.au: http://bit.ly/1RE1BmA
Amazon.com.ca: http://amzn.to/1Rybh53
iBooks: http://apple.co/1TOssyM
Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/1m8VUou
Kobo: http://bit.ly/1YiIbaD
Google Play: http://bit.ly/1Yoo36Z
Paperback: http://amzn.to/21GrQy9

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About Pepper Winters

Pepper Winters wears many roles. Some of them include writer, reader, sometimes wife. She loves dark, taboo stories that twist with your head. The more tortured the hero, the better, and she constantly thinks up ways to break and fix her characters. Oh, and sex… her books have sex. 
She loves to travel and has an amazing, fabulous hubby who puts up with her love affair with her book boyfriends.
Her debut book Tears of Tess will be followed with Quintessentially Q. You didn’t think Q could stop so soon, did you? Her other two titles, Last Shadow and Broken Chance will be coming soon

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