“Stuck-up Suit” Book Review

“Stuck-up Suit” Book Review“Stuck-up Suit” Book ReviewStuck-Up Suit by Penelope WardVi Keeland
Published by Self-Published on April 11th 2016
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Format: eARC
Source: ARC
Purchase @ AMAZON  or  BN
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My Rating  4/5

From the New York Times Bestselling authors of Cocky Bastard, comes a sexy new standalone novel.

It started out like any other morning on the train.

Until I became mesmerized by the guy sitting across the aisle.

He was barking at someone on his phone like he ruled the world.

Who did the stuck-up suit think he was…God?

Actually, he looked like a God. That was about it.

When his stop came, he got up suddenly and left. So suddenly, he dropped his phone on the way out.

I might have pi


Liezel’s Thoughts:

From the very moment Graham caught Soraya’s interest, I couldn’t put this book down. Their chance encounter was certainly noteworthy but what was the icing on the cake was waiting to see just how spectacular their inevitable meeting was going to unfold. Needless to say, the angst in this book was magnificent.

Another thing that I appreciated  was how the authors were able to prove me wrong. There was one point where I did agree with a third-party when  mentioned that Soraya and Graham didn’t  make sense at all. It was obvious that they were too  different – different upbringing, different lifestyles, different stages in their lives,  but in this case “different” wasn’t such a bad thing. If anything it made them that much more interesting.

I thought they were  good for each other. Were they perfect? Nope. Yet this was what made them  real. The character building, especially on Graham’s part, was fantastic. The book title certainly didn’t do him justice. He was misunderstood. He just needed a gentle push in the right way  and I am glad someone like Soraya was able to  provide that for him.

There were  so many aspects of “Stuck-Up Suit” book that I loved. I adored each and one of the characters, even the secondary ones. I appreciate the book  for its entertainment value.  I loved that it felt  fresh and new,  it was also fun and flirty yet had an equal amount of seriousness too.

I do have to say that of all the authors collaborating lately,  the stories written by Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are by far my favorite. They just have this remarkable way of catching my attention and holding it until “The End”. I can not wait to see what these two come up with next!

The Verdict:




Graham: What are you wearing, Soraya?
Soraya: Are you serious right now?
Graham: You ruined my day. You owe me.
Soraya: I don’t owe you anything, you fucking perv.
Graham: This from the woman who sent me a shot of her cleavage. Nice tits, by the way. They’re so big, at first, I thought it was a picture of an ass.
Soraya: You’re the ass.
Graham: Show me your face.
Soraya: Why?
Graham: Because I want to see if it matches your personality.
Soraya: Which would mean what?
Graham: Well, that wouldn’t bode well for you.
Soraya: You won’t ever see my face.
Graham: Probably better off.  So, give me a hint about what you’re wearing.
Soraya: It’s red.
Graham: So you haven’t changed out of that dress?
Soraya: No, I’m naked with dye dripping down my body and my tongue is throbbing thanks to you.
That was an odd thing to say.
Graham: That’s an interesting visual.
Soraya: You are seriously crazy, dude.
Graham: I AM a little crazy, actually. I probably need my head checked because I’ve been fantasizing about a headless person all day.
Soraya: Well, the naked pic ain’t gonna happen.
Graham: How about I go first?



About Penelope Ward

Penelope Ward is a USA Today Bestselling author.

She grew up in Boston with five older brothers. She spent most of her twenties as a television news anchor, before switching to a more family friendly career.

Penelope lives for reading books in the new adult genre, coffee and hanging out with her friends and family on weekends.

She is the proud mother of a beautiful 9-year-old girl with autism (the inspiration for the character Callie in Gemini) and a 7-year-old boy, both of whom are the lights of her life.

Penelope, her husband and kids reside in Rhode Island.

She is currently working on her third novel and loves friend requests from readers!

About Vi Keeland

Vi Keeland is a native New Yorker with three children that occupy most of her free time, which she complains about often, but wouldn’t change for the world. She is a bookworm and has been known to read her kindle at stop lights, while styling her hair, cleaning, walking, during sporting events, and frequently while pretending to work. She is a boring attorney by day, and an exciting smut author by night!

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