“Over The Line” Book Review

“Over The Line” Book Review“Over The Line” Book ReviewOver The Line by Lisa Desrochers
Series: On The Run #2
Published by Penguin on April 19th 2016
Genres: Contemporary RomanceNew Adult
Format: eARC
Source: ARCNetgalley
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My Rating  4/5

Lee Delgado never planned on falling in love with the irresistible Oliver Savoca, son of a Chicago crime lord. Considering that their families are rivals, she knew it could never work. And now that both their fathers have been nabbed on racketeering charges, any real chance at a future with the man she loves has been shot to hell. But a greater blow is yet to come.

Not only does Lee learn that a contract is out on her life, she has reason to believe that Oliver is behind the devastating betra


Micah’s Thoughts:

This had me hooked from the beginning. It’s a great mafia Romeo/Juliet triangle type romance! Although the actual dynamics of the book were a bit confusing at first, the author did a very good job of explaining what was going on since I had not read book 1. And here I go to get book 1. Because I bet that book was great too!

We have a family on the run, the Delgados, the children of a mob boss who is in prison. The are in Witness Protection and have finally settled down in Florida, but are constantly looking over their shoulder because a contract has been put out on their lives. Lee Delgado is our heroine. She is smart, looking for a job as an accountant, but has a degree in computer science. She has single-handedly put her family in this situation, but they don’t know it. However, she is the most loyal woman ever. She is interested in someone guarding her, Wes.

Oliver Savoca, on the other hand, is after her to get back what she took from him. But it is different for him. They dated for a time and while they were using each other, the situation may or may not have gotten real for both or either of them. He wants what he took AND her.

This book was great and filled with touching moments. I did feel that the end kind of went on for too long. The last 20% could have been condensed a bit, which is why I lowered it a star for me, but I would still recommend this book.

The Verdict:


About Lisa Desrochers

Lisa Desrochers lives in central California with her husband and two very busy daughters. There is never a time that she can be found without a book in her hand, and she adores stories that take her to new places, and then take her by surprise.

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