“Weightless” Book Review

“Weightless” Book Review“Weightless” Book ReviewWeightless by Kandi Steiner
Published by Self-Published on June 16th 2016
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Format: eARC
Source: ARC
Purchase @ AMAZON
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Rating 4/5

I remember the lights.

I remember I wanted to photograph them, the way the red and blue splashed across his cold, emotionless face. But I knew even if my feet could move from the place where they had cemented themselves to the ground and I could run for my camera, I wouldn’t be able to capture that moment.

I had trusted him, I had loved him, and even though my body had changed that summer, he’d made sure to help me hold on to who I was inside, regardless of how the exterior altered.

But then everything changed.

He stole my innocence. He scarred my heart. He took everything I thought I knew about my life and fast-pitched it out the window, shattering the glass that held my world together in the process.

I remember the lights.

The passionate, desperate, hot strikes of red. The harsh, cruel, icy bolts of blue.

They symbolized everything I endured that summer.

And everything I would never face again.

Micah’s Thoughts:

This book was surprising and will be difficult for me to review. It is beautifully written; this is something that cannot be questioned.

The story starts us off with Natalie, who has recently been dumped by her boyfriend of 2 years. She also has recently graduated high school. And since her boyfriend has taken up with a bitchier, skinnier new girlfriend, she is looking at a summer of hanging out with their group of friends and watching the two of them be together. I’ve been there. It’s hard. And she is unhappy with her weight. Her mother suggests she visits the ‘club’ and take training sessions to give her some confidence, something to get her out of the house, and in the process, make her healthier. Actually, her mother also wants her to get her boyfriend back, but we’ll just put that aside, because Come on, book mother?!?!

Enter Rhodes. Trainer extraordinaire! He’s very curt with Natalie, although they went to high school together for a year while he was a Senior and she, a freshman. He helps her start her journey. He has his dark secrets, his own history. And slowly, they become friends. Well, friendly. Natalie peppers him with questions while Rhodes does his best to ignore her.

So, for about half of this book, I had a very strong love/hate relationship with it. I would not like it at all. For a variety of reasons. I would be frustrated with the characters or I felt like they were on a hamster wheel of decisions or just the story felt stagnant. But then, I would read 5% later, and I would be IN LOVE with it. It was such a roller coaster ride. This is why I am unsure how to rate it, so I think I am going to stick with a 4.

I loved Natalie. I loved her journey. I felt like her confidence could have come out more with Rhodes, but I felt satisfied that she had changed and evolved so much throughout the story. Rhodes, however, I didn’t feel like changed at all. He was doing the same things from the beginning he was doing at the end: running. It was frustrating to read his character. I still felt like Natalie deserved better.

So overall, this book is a 4. There are beautiful, heartbreaking moments in this book that really make it work reading. But, at the same time, there are some frustrating moments that I had a hard time with. Is it worth the read? I would say yes, but I can see where someone might have some issues with it. Pick it up and see for yourself!

The Verdict:


Purchase now!





“I just don’t understand,” he said as he began rolling the ball up my calf. I moaned out loud, realizing that area was packed with trigger points, as he had called them.

“Don’t understand what?” I asked, still holding my breath as he rolled over my other calf. I leaned up on my elbows and turned my head back to meet his eyes.

He paused, holding the ball in place as he gazed back at me. “How could I never have noticed you before?”

I swallowed, almost more afraid of the brief tenderness I caught in his eyes in that moment than the usual hardness that existed there.

Shrugging, I answered his question just above a whisper. “I’m easy to miss.”

I held his eyes for a moment more before laying my chest back to the ground, resting my head on my arms. He started rolling the ball up my hamstrings and I closed my eyes tight. I thought I might explode from the mixture of pain and pleasure that rocked through my body. After a few moments, he spoke again.

“Maybe I just wasn’t looking.”


About Kandi Steiner

Kandi Steiner is a Creative Writing and Advertising/Public Relations graduate from the University of Central Florida living in Tampa with her husband. Kandi works full time as a social media specialist, but also works part time as a Zumba fitness instructor and blackjack dealer.

Kandi started writing back in the 4th grade after reading the first Harry Potter installment. In 6th grade, she wrote and edited her own newspaper and distributed to her classmates. Eventually, the principal caught on and the newspaper was quickly halted, though Kandi tried fighting for her “freedom of press.” She took particular interest in writing romance after college, as she has always been a die hard hopeless romantic (like most girls brought up on Disney movies).

When Kandi isn’t working or writing, you can find her reading books of all kinds, talking with her extremely vocal cat, and spending time with her friends and family. She enjoys beach days, movie marathons, live music, craft beer and sweet wine – not necessarily in that order.

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