Broken and Mending Book Review

Broken and Mending Book ReviewBroken and Mending Book ReviewBroken/ Mending by J.B. McGee
Published by Self-Published on September 28, 2012
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Format: ebook
Source: Purchased
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Gabby’s life has been anything but easy. She is surrounded by friends who seem to have everything she doesn’t: money, social standing, and happily married parents. While dealing with the loss of her mother, she experiences her first heartbreak. She commits herself to her studies and runs away from any emotions that aren’t safe. Bradley Banks, a confident CEO and commercial architect, who has long time commitment issues forces Gabby to feel again, but will he be her next heartbreak?

#2 Mendin


It all started with a wedding. A beautiful wedding at the First Baptist Church downtown Charleston, SC…

Liezel’s Thoughts:


“I can barely breathe when I’m around you because you take my breath away.”


The first book, Broken threw me off a little bit. The paragraph construction and character POV switching was awkward to me but I tend to ignore format when a story is that exceptional. It seems that this was fixed recently but if not I can’t imagine how bad it USED to be. The second book was better written in my opinion but left a lot of unanswered questions that I expect to be answered in book 2.5 , Conspiring that’s due to be released on the 15th. I’ll get back to that later.

"Come dance with me. I've been waiting to dance with you since I first laid eyes on you in the church."

“Come dance with me. I’ve been waiting to dance with you since I first laid eyes on you in the church.”

Another thing was how Gabby reacted to Ian and Lindsey’s affair. While most people would just accept it and quickly move on, her reaction may have been exaggerated but you have to realize that this was her first relationship and that was her bestest, trusted friend. She was emotionally inept in the first place, with the recent loss of her mother, no father figure, being an introvert and the fact that this was two people that she completely trusted… I would have been pretty broken up about it too. Not to mention the embarrassment and the ridicule that she had to endure in her senior year. All of that was just so not good for ones ego.
Despite all this, I think she was a very strong woman. She stood up to her beliefs and honored her promise to her dying mother. Another thing was she was honest. She never lead Bradley on, she told him right up front that she was broken.
 “Gabby, how many times do I have to tell you? I don’t know what I’m doing. I can’t promise you I’m not going to screw up, that I’m not going to hurt you. I can tell you the sheer thought of hurting you hurts me. I want to try, i am trying. Will you please try with me?”
 Now about Bradley… sweet mother… the world needs more men like him. Successful and smart, romantic and passionate, respectable. Who wouldn’t want a man like that?  He knew what he wanted and was determined to win her. Hard to believe that they could make it work, they were both in different stages in their lives. He was already accomplished in his career  and she hadn’t even started hers yet.  Financially, they were also in a different spectrum.  The long distance was a strain as well but they endured. Even when their past caught up with them, they persevered.
“There is no one else for me. If I can’t be with you for the rest of my life, I will be alone. I’ll be miserable.”

The Verdict:

What I hope to see in this book:

First off, I’m disappointed with this cover. I know that shouldn’t matter but they really could have done better than this! It seems like it was shot in the 1970’s. I’m really hoping that they update it.
Now about this one, I’m hoping if there is  a legit reason why Veronica and Ian conspired against Gabby and Bradley.  The two of them meeting and getting together is hard enough to accept so I hope the reason is believable.  I don’t really understand why would Veronica would want to get back with Bradley in the first place. It couldn’t be because of money, she obviously earns her own being an attorney. Why would she want to trap Bradley? And why can’t they move on… hopefully together. Leave those two alone!
I am a little confused about the rest of the series. Book 3 is Forgiven. And then there’s also a book 4 listed, Blinded. I could’ve sworn this was a trilogy. Unless maybe one of these is a novella. I just can’t wait to see how the Gerhart-Banks nuptials plays out.

Casting Picks:

 Gabby: Had to pick someone younger with chestnut hair… so maybe a Selena Gomez ?

For Bradley: Had to pick someone in their 30’s, “with messy black hair, clean shaven and musculine, rigid square jaw, can easily been a model.” Sounds like Ashton would be a good fit.

mitch hewer

And I found this cutie as Ian: Mitch Hewer, apparently hes an English actor. Choose him because his athletic physique, hes age and of course his “sandy-blond hair, slightly long and shaggy.”

“….you are my mind, my body, my soul.”

About J.B. McGee

J.B. McGee was born and raised in Aiken, South Carolina. After graduating from South Aiken High School, she toured Europe as a member of the 1999 International Bands of America Tour, playing the clarinet. While attending Converse College, an all-girls school in Spartanburg, South Carolina, she visited Charleston often. It quickly became one of her favorite vacation spots. She met her husband, Chad, during Christmas break her freshman year, and they married in 2001 and she moved back to her home town.

In 2005, the couple welcomed their first son, Noah. J.B. finished her Bachelor of Arts degree in Early Childhood Education at the University of South Carolina-Aiken in 2006. During her time studying children’s literature, a professor had encouraged her to become a writer.

In 2007, she welcomed their second child, Jonah, and she became a stay at home mom/entrepreneur. In 2009, the found out their two children and J.B. have Mitochondrial Disease. In 2011, a diagnosis also was given to Chad. Please take a moment and learn more about Mitochondrial Disease. Awareness is key to this disease that has no cure or treatments.

J.B. McGee and her family now reside in Buford, Georgia, to be closer to their children’s medical team. After a passion for reading had been re-ignited, J.B. decided to finally give writing a shot. Broken (This Series), is her first book and first series.

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