Skin Book Review

Skin Book ReviewSkin Book ReviewSkin by Kylie Scott
Series: Flesh #2
Published by Self-Published on Feb 1, 2013
Genres: Post-Apocalyptic
Format: ebook
Purchase @ AMAZON
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Rating 5/5

Six months since the zombie plague struck, former librarian Roslyn Stewart has been holed up in a school with eight other survivors. But now the shelves in the school canteen are bare. The stranger at the gate has supplies that will ensure the group’s ongoing survival, but at a cost. He wants a woman.

Nick is a man with a plan. He’ll treat Roslyn like a Queen, devoting the rest of his life to protecting and providing for her. In exchange, of course, for sexual favours. It’s the deal of the ce


Liezel’s Thoughts:

Oh goodness, this book was exactly like I thought it would be. It answered all the lingering questions I had, which I posted on my review for FLESH.

This one straddles the Stockholm syndrome boundaries. But in a good way… but I guess that’s a matter of opinion. Haha!  Just have to continually remind yourself that this story was set in a post-apocalytic world were normal rules don’t apply. Nick handcuffed and chained her but he did it mostly to  protect her. And of course for his safety as well. She did attack him first afterall.

I  enjoyed  Nick’s character in this story. Obviously he was misunderstood in  Flesh. It seemed to me that he didn’t seem to care much about anything then. He just wanted to fit in and followed everyone elses lead or he was too drunk to care. In Skin, his personality emerged. Solidarity would do that to a person, wouldn’t it? He seemed to mature and truly find himself and realize what his priorities were. Which included finding companionship.   I loved the fact that he was always resourseful, honest, always protective. He never did lie about his  intentions for Roslyn.

“People always talked about making them feel closer to someone. In all honesty, she’s never felt that before today. The connection had never seemed especially profound, not until Nick. How fucking unfair.”


I liked Roslyn character too, yah she was indecisive (like every woman is) but she was sharp, intelligent and strong. She was willing to protect herself and eventually Nick in the end. She wasn’t a typical delicate woman or a damsel and distress. She wanted to live and continue to improve herself  for both their of survival.  The way Ms Scott added the book catalog thing that Rosyln did in her mind made her more real to me.

I really thought the best part of the story was in Blackstone. I loved how we got to get a glimpse of Ali and her men and to see how their relationship was still woking. The author gave us just enough insight on how things were changing in Blacktone that it never overshadowed Nick and Roslyn’s story.

Like Flesh the storyline is extraordinary. A  terrific balance between a thriller/suspense, romance and erotica.  Loved it! Thank you Kylie Scott for delivering a good story yet again.

I’m really hoping that this series continues. There wasn’t a mention of it in the last book or on her website. What I would like it see is a story about Sean. (I don’t think he’s dead) He was pretty broken up about Lila’s death. He deserves to find his happy ending too right? I’m really hoping that he finds a doctor somewhere since the only medical person in Skin is now gone. I mean someone has to birth the babies!

This time around though, I want a female character thats soooo badass. I want her to be the aggressor. I want to see her bring Sean to his knees and Sean internally struggling about his loosing Lila and fighting his attraction towards this new female character.

I also want to see what they decide about Blackstone. They move on or go back? Honestly don’t think that Blackstone would continue to exist without them. I think that community of 100+ people would be over runned so they need to go back. Plus Ali shouldn’t be put through all the stress of finding a new home. It would make a wonderful story but I don’t want to read about that. I want to see them returning and the community prospering under Finn as mayor and someone else as the new sheriff… maybe Sean or Nick or someone new.

The Verdict:


Casting Picks:

For Roslyn Stewart, I choose Emma Stone.

ac5b9dd21c488fb64d16ddcd1774e648 Desribed as having choppy, auburn hair and a pointed chin, mid twenties, pretty mouth like a dolls.

And for Nick…. I want it to me be Matthew McConaughey.


He doesn’t look anywhere near the guy on the front cover but we can dye his hair to make him look like so. I always pictured Matthew ( a young version) while reading the book being Nick. Think this two would look so good together, don’t you think?

∞ ∞ ∞

How I pictured their fortress.



About Kylie Scott


Kylie is a long time fan of erotic love stories and B-grade horror films. She demands a happy ending and if blood and carnage occur along the way then all the better. Based in Queensland, Australia with her two children and one delightful husband, she reads, writes and never dithers around on the internet.


Kylie is represented by Amy Tannenbaum at the Jane Rotrosen Agency, New York.

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